Terms and conditions

Terms and conditions


Biochemical Systems International srl is makes every efforts in order to give accurated and updated information, but is assuming no responsability regarding the information on its website www.biosys.it. Biochemical Systems International srl has no responsabilities regarding the usage of its website and every website linked by it. Biochemical Systems International srl is warning everybody who is connected to this website (and websites linked by this) that its content will be used under user responsability anf at totally at is own risk.

Neither Biochemical Systems International srl, neither any other parts implied in creating, designing and publishing of this website, and websites linked by this, could be addressed as responsable in any way, neither for direct, incidental and inderect damage that come from the usage of this website or for any omission error on its contents.

The website www.biosys.it and the information contained by it have only informative purpose. It is forbidden their reproduction, transmission and nay other use without explicit agreement with Biochemical Systems International srl. Inquiries for using or reproducing website materials on website www.biosys.it, of images, graphics and all the other characterisitcs must be sent to Biochemical Systems International srl, attention of Responsabile Immagine.

Biochemical Systems International srl has the right of modify this website information and materials withouth giving prior advice.


All the content of this website (text, images and sounds) www.biosys.it is property of Biochemical Systems International srl, except when otherwise specified. It is strictly forbidden copy, retrasmission and distribution (even partial) and ny other use without prior explicit consens of Biochemical Systems International srl.

Inquiries of authorization must be addressed to: Biochemical Systems International srl, Responsabile immagine, Via G.Ferraris 220 Arezzo, or by e-mail: biosys(a)biosys.it


This pages could contain forecast on future happenings. This kind of information are subjected to change because of many factors (scentific, economical, financial) and thus are not sure and effective results may be significative different from expected and published.


Links to other website (or third part websites) are published in this website only for user convenience. Biochemical Systems International srl does not express any opinion regarding website documents contents and expressely denies any responsability regarding their materials and its usage.